Executive Committee
President Ross Brandon
Vice President Tracey Matthews
Treasurer Oles Gordeev
Secretary Andrew Guzman
Claims Committee
Jena Covey - Chair
Lisa Cox
Marquie Lugo
Oles Gordeev
Ross Brandon
Claims Committee Chair is chosen by the Claims Committee each year
Underwriting Committee
Tracey Matthews - Chair
Alvaro Valdez
Mark Howard
Rhonda Combs
Ross Brandon
Chaired by Vice President is an automatic member, per Bylaws
Finance Committee
Oles Gordeev - Chair
Andrew Guzman
Marisa Kahn
Rafaela King
Samhitha Cutshaw
Chaired by Treasurer
Executive Committee
President Jena Covey
Vice President Ross Brandon
Treasurer Oles Gordeev
Secretary Sandra Blanch
Claims Committee
Tracey Matthews – Chair
Jena Covey
Numeya Williams
Oles Gordeev
Ross Brandon
Claims Committee Chair is chosen by the Claims Committee each year
Underwriting Committee
Ross Brandon - Chair
Jena Covey
Rhonda Combs
Mark Howard
Tracey Matthews
Chaired by Vice President is an automatic member, per Bylaws
Finance Committee
Oles Gordeev - Chair
Marisa Kahn
Rafaela King
Alvaro Valdez
Andrew Guzman
Chaired by Treasurer
Executive Committee
President Jena Covey
Vice President Mark Howard
Treasurer Oles Gordeev
Secretary Sandra Blanch
Claims Committee
Tracey Matthews - Chair
Betsy McClinton
Jena Covey
Oles Gordeev
Ross Brandon
Claims Committee Chair is chosen by the Claims Committee each year.
Underwriting Committee
Mark Howard - Chair
Jena Covey
Rhonda Combs
Ross Brandon
Sheryl Higa
Chaired by Vice President; President is an automatic member, per Bylaws
Finance Committee
Oles Gordeev - Chair
Charlotte Dunn
Joe Rodriguez
Marisa Kahn
Sheila Shanahan
Chaired by Treasurer
Executive Committee
President Jena Covey
Vice President Mark Howard
Treasurer Oles Gordeev
Secretary Sandra Blanch
Claims Committee
Tracey Matthews - Chair
Charlotte Dunn
Jena Covey
Betsy McClinton
Oles Gordeev
Claims Committee Chair is chosen by the Claims Committee each year
Underwriting Committee
Mark Howard - Chair
Jena Covey
Ross Brandon
Rhonda Combs
Tracey Matthews
Sandra Blanch
Chaired by Vice President; President is an automatic member, per Bylaws
Finance Committee
Oles Gordeev - Chair
Mark Howard
Sandra Blanch
Chaired by Treasurer
Executive Committee
President Jena Covey
Vice President Mark Howard
Treasurer Oles Gordeev
Secretary Sandra Blanch
Claims Committee
Oles Gordeev - Chair
Charlotte Dunn
Jena Covey
Betsy McClinton
Tracey Matthews
Jiles Smith
Claims Committee Chair is chosen by the Claims Committee
Underwriting Committee
Mark Howard - Chair
Jena Covey
Ross Brandon
Oles Gordeev
Rhonda Combs
Chaired by Vice President; President is an automatic member, per Bylaws
Finance Committee
Oles Gordeev - Chair
Claudia Koob
Mark Howard
Sandra Blanch
Chaired by Treasurer
Executive Committee
President Jena Covey
Vice President Mark Howard
Treasurer Michael Andersen
Secretary Sandra Blanch
Claims Committee
Betsy McClinton - Chair
Charlotte Dunn
Jena Covey
Oles Gordeev
Tracey Matthews
Claims Committee Chair is chosen by the Claims Committee
Underwriting Committee
Mark Howard - Chair
Jena Covey
Michael Andersen
Oles Gordeev
Rhonda Combs
Chaired by Vice President; President is an automatic member, per Bylaws
Finance Committee
Michael Andersen - Chair
Claudia Koob
Jeannette Chavez
Mark Howard
Patty Haymond
Sandra Blanch
Chaired by Treasurer
Executive Committee
President Dave Nunley
Vice President Mark Howard
Treasurer Jena Covey
Secretary Sandra Blanch
Claims Committee
Betsy McClinton - Chair
Charlotte Dunn
Jeannette Chavez
Jena Covey
Oles Gordeev
Tracey Matthews
Claims Committee Chair is chosen by the Claims Committee
Underwriting Committee
Mark Howard - Chair
Cathy Talongwa
Dave Nunley
Jena Covey
Michael Andersen
Sandra Blanch
Chaired by Vice President; President is an automatic member, per Bylaws
Finance Committee
Jena Covey - Chair
Besty McClinton
Claudia Koob
Mark Howard
Michael Andersen
Oles Gordeev
Patty Haymond
Chaired by Treasurer
Executive Committee
President Mark Howard
Vice President Dave Nunley
Treasurer Jena Covey
Secretary Sandra Blanch
Claims Committee
Deb Hossli - Chair
Charlotte Dunn
Jena Covey
Dave Nunley
Jeannette Chavez
Claims Committee Chair is chosen by the Claims Committee
Underwriting Committee
Dave Nunley - Chair
Mark Howard
Betsy McClinton
Deb Hossli
Sandra Blanch
Chaired by Vice President; President is an automatic member, per Bylaws
Finance Committee
Jena Covey - Chair
Sandra Blanch
Claudia Koob
Patty Haymond
Michael Andersen
Chaired by Treasurer
Executive Committee
President Mark Howard
Vice President Ann Richey
Treasurer Dave Nunley
Secretary Sandra Blanch
Claims Committee
Charlotte Dunn - Chair
Deb Hossli
Beverly Jensen
Jena Covey
Dave Nunley
Claims Committee Chair is chosen by the Claims Committee
Underwriting Committee
Ann Richey - Chair
Dave Nunley
Mark Howard
Betsy McClinton
Sandra Blanch
Deb Hossli
Chaired by Vice President; President is an automatic member, per Bylaws
Finance Committee
Dave Nunley - Chair
Patty Haymond
Claudia Koob
Beverly Jensen
Michael Andersen
Sandra Blanch
Chaired by Treasurer
Executive Committee
President Mark Howard
Vice President Sandra Blanch
Treasurer Dave Nunley
Secretary Ann Richey
Claims Committee
Charlotte Dunn - Chair
Deb Hossli
Beverly Jensen
Jena Covey
Dave Nunley
Claims Committee Chair is chosen by the Claims Committee
Underwriting Committee
Betsy M cClinton
Dave Nunley
Mark Howard
Ann Richey
Sandra Blanch
Deb Hossli
Chaired by Vice President; President is an automatic member, per Bylaws
Finance Committee
Dave Nunley - Chair
Patty Haymond
Charlotte Dunn
Claudia Koob
Beverly Jensen
Chaired by Treasurer
Executive Committee
President Ann Richey
Vice President Mark Howard
Treasurer Claudia Koob
Secretary Mary Akin
Claims Committee
Deb Hossli - Chair
Mary Akin
Jena Covey
Charlotte Dunn
Dave Nunley
Claims Committee Chair is chosen by the Claims Committee
Underwriting Committee
Mark Howard - Chair
Sandra Blanch
Rhonda Combs
Patty Haymond
Ann Richey
Chaired by Vice President; President is an automatic member, per Bylaws
Finance Committee
Claudia Koob
Sandra Blanch
Betsy M cClinton
Charlotte Dunn
Deb Hossli
Chaired by Treasurer
Ann Richey
President Ann Richey
Vice President Mark Howard
Treasurer Claudia Koob
Secretary Mary Akin
Claims Committee
Mary Akin - Chair
Jena Covey
Charlotte Dunn
Deb Hossli
Claims Committee Chair is chosen by the Claims Committee
Underwriting Committee
Mark Howard - Chair
Sandra Blanch
Rhonda Combs
Patty Haymond
Ann Richey
Chaired by Vice President; President is an automatic member, per Bylaws
Finance Committee
Claudia Koob
Sandra Blanch
Betsy M cClinton
Charlotte Dunn
Deb Hossli
Chaired by Treasurer
Executive Committee
President Ann Richey
Vice President Tom Vance
Treasurer Betsy Dolan
Secretary Mary Akin
Claims Committee
Mark Howard - Chair
Charlotte Dunn
Claudia Koob
Deb Hossli
Dave Nunley
Jena Covey
Claims Committee Chair is chosen by the Claims Committee
Underwriting Committee
Tom Vance - Chair
Ann Richey
Rhonda Combs
Mary Akin
Sandra Blanch
Barbara Choi
Chaired by Vice President; President is an automatic member, per Bylaws
Finance Committee
Betsy Dolan
Charlotte Dunn
Barbara Choi
Sandra Blanch
Deb Hossli
Chaired by Treasurer
Executive Committee
President Ann Richey
Vice President Tom Vance
Treasurer Betsy M cClinton
Secretary Mary Akin
Claims Committee
Mark Howard - Chair
Jena Covey
Charlotte Dunn
Deb Hossli
Claudia Koob
Dave Nunley
Claims Committee Chair is chosen by the Claims Committee
Underwriting Committee
Tom Vance - Chair
Mary Akin
Sandra Blanch
Barbara Choi
Rhonda Combs
Ann Richey - President
Chaired by Vice President. President is an automatic member, per Bylaws
Finance Committee
Betsy Dolan - Chair
Sandra Blanch
Barbara Choi
Charlotte Dunn
Deb Hossli
Chaired by Treasurer
Executive Committee
President Tom Vance
Vice President Ann Richey
Treasurer Betsy M cClinton
Secretary Mary Akin
Claims Committee
Ralph Korn
Mark Howard
Claudia Koob
Kris Kamandulis
Deb Hossli
Dave Nunley
Claims Committee Chair is chosen by the Claims Committee
Underwriting Committee
Ann Richey - Chair
Rhonda Combes
Kris Kamandulis
Ralph Korn
Sandra Blanch
Tom Vance - President
Chaired by Vice President. President is an automatic member, per Bylaws
Finance Committee
Betsy M cClinton - Chair
Charlotte Dunn
Ann Richey
Sandra Blanch
Deb Hossli
Executive Committee
President Thomas L. Vance
Vice President Ralph Korn
Treasurer Betsy Dolan
Secretary Mary Akin
Claims Committee
Ralph Korn - Chair
Brad Landreth
Claudia Koob
Kris Kamandulis
Deb Hossli
Dave Nunley
Claims Committee Chair is chosen by the claims committee
Underwriting Committee
Ralph Korn
Rhonda Combes
Kris Kamandulis
Ann Garcia
Sandra Blanch
Tom Vance - President
Chaired by Vice President. President is an automatic member, per Bylaws
Finance Committee
Betsy M cClinton - Chair
Charlotte Dunn
Ann Richey
Deb Hossli
Chaired by Treasurer
Executive Committee
President Thomas L. Vance
Vice President Ralph Korn
Treasurer Ann Garcia
Secretary Mary Akin
Claims Committee
Ralph Korn - Chair
Brad Landreth
Tom Phillips
Mary Akin
Claudia Koob
Jonathan Lackey
Kris Kamandulis
Dave Nunley
Claims Committee Chair is chosen by the claims committee
Underwriting Committee
Ralph Korn
Rhonda Combes
Kris Kamandulis
Ann Garcia
Sandra Blanch
Tom Vance - President
Chaired by Vice President. President is an automatic member, per Bylaws
Finance Committee
Ann Garcia - Chair
Charlotte Dunn
Mary Akin
Betsy M cClinton
Chaired by Treasurer
Executive Committee
President Tom Vance
Vice President Sandra Blanch
Treasurer Ann Garcia
Secretary Mary Akin
Claims Committee
Tom Phillips- Chair
Brad Landreth
Jim Patricola
Mary Akin
Claudia Koob
Jonathan Lackey
Ralph Korn
Dave Nunley
Claims Committee Chair is chosen by the claims committee
Underwriting Committee
Sandra Blanch - Chair
Tom Phillips
Kris Kamandulis
Ann Garcia
Tom Vance - President
Chaired by Vice President President is an automatic member, per Bylaws
Finance Committee
Ann Garcia - Chair
Charlotte Dunn
Mary Akin
Ralph Korn
Chaired by Treasurer
Executive Committee
President Thomas L. Vance (City of Anaheim)
Vice President Sandra Blanch (City of Palo Alto)
Treasurer Sherrell Freeman (City of Monterey)
Secretary Mary Akin (City of Modesto)
Claims Committee
Brad Landreth, (City of Santa Barbara)
Jim Patricola (City of City of Burbank)
Mary Akin (City of Modesto)
Claudia Koob (City of Santa Mountain View)
David Nunley (City of Anaheim)
Tom Phillips (City of Santa Monica)
Jonathan Lackey (City of Santa Monica)
Underwriting Committee
Sandra Blanch (City of Palo Alto),
Tom Phillips (City of Santa Monica)
Thomas L. Vance (City of Anaheim)
Ann Garcia (City of Ontario)
Sherrell Freeman (City of Monterey)
Finance Committee
Sherrell Freeman, Chair (City of Monterey)
Charlotte Dunn (City of Visalia)
Mary Akin (City of Modesto)
Ralph Korn (City of Bakersfield)
Executive Committee
President Thomas L. Vance (City of Anaheim)
Vice President Tom Phillips (Santa Monica)
Treasurer Patrick Flaherty (Bakersfield)
Secretary Jim Patricola (City of Burbank)
Claims Committee
Brad Landreth, (City of Santa Barbara)
Jim Patricola (City of City of Burbank)
Mary Akin (City of Modesto)
David Nunley (City of Anaheim)
Jonathan Lackey (City of Santa Monica)
Underwriting Committee
Thomas L. Vance, Chair (Anaheim)
Tom Phillips (Santa Monica)
Sandra Blanch (Palo Alto)
Ann Garcia (City of Ontario)
Sherrell Freeman (City of Monterey)
Finance Committee
Patrick Flaherty, Chair (Bakersfield)
Charlotte Dunn (Visalia)
Sandra Blanch (Palo Alto)
Executive Committee
President Tom Phillips (Santa Monica)
Vice President Thomas L. Vance (Anaheim)
Treasurer Patrick Flaherty (Bakersfield)
Secretary Sandra Blanch (Palo Alto)
Claims Committee
Brad Landreth, (Santa Barbara)
Erwin Young (Santa Cruz)
Beverly Jensen (City of Mountain View)
Mary Akin (City of Modesto)
David Nunley (City of Anaheim)
Jonathan Lackey (City of Santa Monica)
Underwriting Committee
Thomas L. Vance, Chair (Anaheim)
Tom Phillips (Santa Monica)
Sandra Blanch (Palo Alto)
Ann Garcia (Ontario)
Jim Patricola (City of Burbank)
Finance Committee
Patrick Flaherty, Chair (Bakersfield)
Charlotte Dunn (Visalia)
Sherrell Freeman (City of Monterey)
Executive Committee
President Tom Phillips (Santa Monica)
Vice President Thomas L. Vance (Anaheim)
Treasurer Patrick Flaherty (Bakersfield)
Secretary Sandra Blanch (Palo Alto)
Claims Committee
Brad Landreth, Chair (Santa Barbara)
Erwin Young (Santa Cruz)
Ben Bankard (City of Modesto)
Underwriting Committee
Thomas L. Vance, Chair (Anaheim)
Tom Phillips (Santa Monica)
Sandra Blanch (Palo Alto)
Ann Garcia (Ontario)
Finance Committee
Patrick Flaherty, Chair (Bakersfield)
Charlotte Dunn (Visalia)
Executive Committee
President Thomas L. Vance (City of Anaheim)
Vice President Tom Phillips (Santa Monica)
Treasurer Patrick Flaherty (Bakersfield)
Secretary Sandra Blanch (Palo Alto)
Claims Committee
Brad Landreth, (City of Santa Barbara)
Erwin Young (Santa Cruz)
Ben Bankard (City of Modesto)
Tom Phillips, (Santa Monica)
Underwriting Committee
Tom Phillips, Chair (Santa Monica)
Tom Vance (Anaheim)
Ann Garcia (Ontario)
David Clovis (Mountain View)
Finance Committee
Patrick Flaherty, Chair (Bakersfield)
Charlotte Dunn (City of Visalia)
Mary Sue Baker (Monterey)
Executive Committee
President Thomas L. Vance (City of Anaheim)
Vice President Tom Phillips (Santa Monica)
Treasurer Patrick Flaherty (Bakersfield)
Secretary Sandra Blanch (Palo Alto)
Claims Committee
Mary Sue Baker, Chair (Monterey)
Erwin Young (Santa Cruz)
Brad Landreth (Santa Barbara)
Tom Phillips, (Santa Monica)
Underwriting Committee
Tom Phillips, Chair (Santa Monica)
Tom Vance (Anaheim)
Finance Committee
Patrick Flaherty, Chair (Bakersfield)
Sandra Blanch (Palo Alto)
Tom Phillips (Santa Monica)